10 Impressive Facts About Bugs

A reader that looks at our blog and the news that we post on Facebook might be getting really nervous about insects. Bugs are not all bad! However, people should be wary of certain pests coming into their homes and pests in general bothering them. Although, there are...

Bug of the month: Wasps

August is now upon us and with it comes more bothersome pests. Wasps are one of those pests that love to sting people during the summer. While wasps are found during the entirety of summer, they do sting people more during late summer. Wasps: A few of the most common...

Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool

Keep Your Dog Cool Your dog is probably one of, if not your only, best friend that you love to spend time with. You probably keep yourself cool during outdoor activities during hot summer days. However, sometimes you might slip-up and not remember to keep your dog...

Outdoor Summer Activities

Summer Fun  The end of summer vacation is getting close for a lot of kids in the area. The thought of school being just around the corner is probably making a lot of them sad and lazy. Now’s your chance to make the end of the summer just as fun as the beginning!...

Keep Mosquitoes Away

Tips to keep mosquitoes away:  Summer time is one of the best times of the year because you get the chance to do awesome outdoor activities. However, mosquitoes are one aspect of the summer that can bother you while you are enjoying the summer weather. There are a lot...

Bug of the month: Mosquitoes

It is the season where mosquitoes make it their life mission to ruin our outdoor plans, which makes this pesky insect the honorary bug of the month of July. Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are small flies which are a part of the Culicidae family. Uniquely, Female mosquitoes...

Tick Bites and Lyme Disease

Tick Bites Prevention When you envision the perfect summer day, you probably picture fun outdoor activities that might include swimming, hiking, or another similar activity. You probably don’t imagine the bugs that will bother you the second you step outside....

Natural Snake Repellent

Natural Snake Repellent Tips Summer time has arrived and you are probably finally spending more time outside in your backyard. Some days might be too hot to spend time comfortably outdoors. While other days are perfect for you and your family. When you spend more time...
Bed Bugs 101

Bed Bugs 101

So you think you might have a bed bug infestation starting to grow in your home? The first step to make sure that you identify that the bug you are looking at is in fact a true bed bug. If not addressed sooner, the bed bugs then have time to spread to more places in...

Bug of the month: June Bug

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the bug of the month for June would be the June bug, which can also be referred to as the June beetle or the green June beetle. Where can the June bug be found? The June bug is most abundant in the eastern portion of the United...