Wooly Aphids Have Hit Middle Tennessee

Wooly Aphids Have Hit Middle Tennessee

PHOTO: Virginia Department of Forestry Wooly Aphids- Those Little White Fluffs Recently, wooly aphids have hit Middle Tennessee very hard, to the point where there’s a full-fledged infestation in this region. But you do have to wonder, what are wooly aphids and how...

How To Identify Termites – Video

How To Identify Termites As a homeowner, it can be difficult to identify a termite problem until it’s a big problem. This video will show you how to identify termites (several kinds). We offer a Free Termite Inspection annually. Pease get your coupon HERE. The...
Signs of a Termite Infestation

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Signs of a Termite Infestation The Termite is considered one of the worst pests in terms of harm and damage to your home. It is essential to act quickly when these pests are detected in your house or the surrounding area. Termites are winged insects that are...
When Is Termite Season?

When Is Termite Season?

When is Termite Season? Spring is considered as termite season. This is the time when swarms and infestations are seen. Regardless of where you live, termites live there too. Now is the time to have your home inspected and, if necessary, treated for termites. Termites...