by Pest Control Nashville | Oct 10, 2018 | ants, Bug Facts, Cockroches, disease, home inspection, mosquito, Mouse, termites
5 Ways Your Home is Attractive to Pests Some homes are more prone to pest control issues than others. And, it isn’t just because they are dirty. Below are the most common 5 Ways Your Home is Attractive to Pests. [list line=”no”...
by Pest Control Nashville | Oct 3, 2018 | Mice, Mouse, rats, rodents
3 Things Rodents Love About Your House Why do people have rodent infestations? Because rodents are wild animals doing what they need to for survival. If your home provides the basic needs for rodents, they will consider it an invitation. What are the 3 Things Rodents...
by Pest Control Nashville | Sep 28, 2018 | Termite treatment, termites
FAQ: How Long Does Termite Treatment Last? In the United States homeowners spend approximately $5 Billion annually for termite treatment every year. That is approximately 600,000 homes! After spending that much on treatment many clients ask, How Long Does Termite...
by Pest Control Nashville | Sep 21, 2018 | Termite treatment, termites
FAQ: How Much Does Termite Tenting Cost? As a homeowner what the most expensive pest control service they fear and it’s termites. As a Tennessee resident, you know that it isn’t if, but when, you’ll have termites. And, one of the more expensive...
by Pest Control Nashville | Sep 14, 2018 | Termite treatment, termites
We are often asked: “How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost?” The answer to that question has a huge varying range. The cost depends on: [list line=”no” style=”style5″] size of home size of infestation length of time termites have...
by Pest Control Nashville | Sep 7, 2018 | Fall Pests, Silverfish
Identifying Silverfish May Be Harder Than You Think Silverfish get their name from the way they look. They are small in size and do not have wings. Silverfish love dark, damp, wet areas. Think garage, basements, water heater closets, bathroom cabinets, and kitchen...
by Pest Control Nashville | Aug 26, 2018 | Insects, Inside pests, Pantry Pests, Pest Control
Pantry Pest Prevention Does the cereal in your pantry seem to disappear when no one is home? Is your son or daughter not hungry for dinner because they’re sneaking giant bowls of cereal? Or may it be more sinister? If Not Them, Then Who? There are a variety of...
by Pest Control Nashville | Aug 17, 2018 | Apartment treatment, Bee factual, Bees, Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Bug Facts, Cockroches, Yellow Jacket
How Weather Affects Insect Problems! Have you ever wondered what the weather has to do with pest control and the bug problems on Middle Tennessee? You may think it’s no big deal. But, it actually is! Whether the weather is getting too hot or too cold for pests,...
by Pest Control Nashville | Aug 10, 2018 | Educational Videos, occasional indoor invaders
Funny Pest Control Commercial We can give credit where credit is due. This is a Funny Pest Control Commercial. We hope you enjoy it like we do! Absolute Pest Control is dedicated to making your home safe for you family. If you have a question about fall pests or any...
by Pest Control Nashville | Aug 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
,Pest Control in Healthcare Facilities What are the common problems we face when treating pest control in healthcare facilities? There are more pests in healthcare facilities than you may think. Those healthcare facilities include doctors offices, dental offices,...