Which Spring Bugs Will Make You Crazy or Do You Love Them?

Springtime bring many positive things in nature. Some of the Spring bugs have positive attributes, while some are just a nuisance. here is your guide:

Spring Bug #1- The Ant

Ant Problems - Spring BugThe harmless but annoying Sugar Ant will feed off your scraps, crumbs and/or beautifully set picnic dinner. They will march in ling lines like an army of starving people at a buffet. They collect your food and bring it back to their colonies (usually underground or in your walls). They do not bite or sting but are very annoying. Carpenter Ants will make your home their feeding ground and are just as dangerous to your home as termites. If you see one of these fellows, call us immediately! There will never be just one! Without treatment they will cause thousands of dollars in damage quickly.

Spring Bug #2- The Lady Bug

ladybug - Spring BugChances are you have seen couple of these cute red and black Lady Bugs during Winter hanging out in your home. They seem harmless during the Winter. But, they hibernate in large colonies. Like those pesky ants, there is rarely just one! Once the weather warms up they come out of hibernation and will hang out on your window sills, or warm, light colored South Facing walls. Last year the Lady Bugs seemed to take over in the Fall. They are good for getting rid of aphids on your roses but can eat your other plants too.

Spring Bug #3- The Termite

Free Termite Inspection Murfreesboro, Smyrna _ Spring BugTermites do more damage to homes than any other pest. It is estimated that last year Termite damage to homeowners was more than $5 Billion dollars!!! That is a B… for billion. They start to be more active as the weather warms. Please be on the look out for wings near windows, mud tubes, damaged; hollow sounding wood or pellets; dry wood particles left behind by Termites. If you see any of these signs or want to see if your home has any warning signs, please call us for a FREE Annual Termite Inspection.

Spring Bug #4- The House Fly

House Fly - Spring BugThis is my personal nemesis. When there is a fly in my home, I go crazy. It reminds me of the 100+ illnesses that can be transferred by their feet. To keep Flies out of your home, keep it clean of trash and debris, wash trash cans thoroughly, check your screens for holes, use screen food nets when eating outside, don’t leave doors without screens open, use fly strips near garage entry ways and use essential oils to naturally keep House Flies at bay.

Spring brings warm weather and the possibility of more pesky bugs. Absolute Pest Control can assist you in keeping many of these bugs from bothering you. Our state of the art perimeter treatments will keep many bugs away from your home or business while allowing them to live in their natural habitat where they can do well for the eco-system. When in doubt, call us for your Free Inspection 615-220-1933. Thanks for reading our Spring Bug Guide.