Stopping Bedbugs and Summer Travel Woes
The weather is warm. You have been saving your vacation time for the summer travel season. It may be the beach. It may be the mountains. But, you are going on vacation and will be staying in some type of rental. Possibly even taking public transportation. Well, we have gathered 6 common tips that stop bedbugs from coming home with you from your summer vacation.
1. Sheets and Mattresses
At any hotel, motel, Air BnB, cabin or even rental rv, pull back the sheets and inspect the mattress seams, especially at the corners. Look for stains or spots. If you see anything that look suspicious, notify the building management, and change rooms immediately. If they do not have another acceptable room, leave and find a new place to stay.

2. Room Inspection
Upon entering your room or space, thoroughly inspect it before unpacking. Above all, behind the headboard and in/around sofas/chairs. If you see anything that look suspicious, notify the building management, and change rooms immediately. If they do not have another acceptable room, leave and find a new place to stay.
3. Switching Rooms
If you do need to change rooms, be sure that you do not move to a room adjacent or directly above or below the room with the suspected infestation. Bedbugs will hitchhike by means of the housekeeping carts, luggage, and through wiring or wall sockets. When an infestation spreads, is goes out like waves in the ocean. Adjoining rooms are the most susceptible.
4. Baggage
Place your suitcase, duffel bags, and other luggage in a plastic trash bags or protective covers during your trip. This ensures bedbugs cannot catch a ride on your baggage prior to leaving your vacation rental.
5. Stop The Hitchhikers
It is important to remember bed bugs spread by hitching rides with unsuspecting victims. After your trip, carefully inspect your suitcases, duffel bags, and backpacks before bringing them into the house. Leave them in a hot garage before vacuuming your baggage thoroughly. Garment hand steamers reduce bedbug hitchhikers by killing them before they can spread into your home.
6. Your Clothing
It is not fun to come home from a relaxing vacation and have to do a ton of laundry. However, it is imperative to wash all your clothing. This includes the ones that have not been worn. Use hot water to ensure that any bedbugs are not placed into your drawers, closets, or storage areas.
Check Ahead of Time
Don’t let bedbugs and summer travel be a bust. Here is a website to find out reported bedbug infestations. The Bedbug Registry. Always err on the side of caution and be informed.
The Bed Bug Registry exists to give travelers and renters a reliable and neutral platform for reporting their encounters with bed bugs. Though most Americans have still never come across one, these retro pests are spreading extremely quickly across American and Canadian cities.
Contact Us
Bedbugs will get out of control quickly. Our technicians are trained and ready to help you and your family if you have a bedbug issue.
Absolute Pest Control is dedicated to making your home safe. If you have a question about pests or any other pest problem, please call us at 615-220-1933 or click HERE to email us. We service most of Middle Tennessee including Smyrna, Murfreesboro, and LaVergne.