Pantry Pest Prevention

Does the cereal in your pantry seem to disappear when no one is home? Is your son or daughter not hungry for dinner because they’re sneaking giant bowls of cereal? Or may it be more sinister?

If Not Them, Then Who?

There are a variety of pests that may wrecking havoc in your pantry. In providing Pantry Pest Prevention you should be looking for:

  • Ants
  • Beetles
  • Cockroaches
  • Flies
  • Moths
  • Rodents
  • Spiders
  • Weevils

This isn’t even a full list! These are the most common Pantry Pests. Unless you get rid of these pests, you may be in for a bigger issue than just food missing from the cereal box!


What To Do

If you notice pests in your pantry, clean it out completely. Throw away open half eaten packages. Consider investing in plastic containers for your pantry items. Some pests and bugs eat the glue on the boxes. Really! Make sure your pantry is free from crumbs. Routinely wipe down shelves and sweep in your pantry to prevent infestations.

If you find yourself fighting these pests and not winning, call a professional asap.

Absolute Pest Control is dedicated to making your home safe for you family. If you have a question about fall pests or any other pest problem, please call us at 615-220-1933 or click HERE to email us.

Shocking Facts:

Consumer Reports Shop Smart magazine checked with the Food and Drug Administration and found, for example, a 24 oz. container of cornmeal can have up to 745 insect fragments and 27 rodent hairs in one box. Pasta, nuts, peanut butter, dried beans, grains, coffee beans, even chocolate can carry them as well.

Mouse Poop in Your Cornmeal– Ever notice some dark specks in your cornmeal? The handbook allows for up to 13 “fragments” of rodent excreta in a 24-ounce container.
Grasshopper Legs in Your Peanut Butter– In a regular-sized 16-ounce jar of peanut butter, the FDA will allow up to 136 insect fragments and four rodent hairs.