by Pest Control Nashville | Apr 15, 2018 | disease, Mice, Murfreesboro Pest Control, Nashville Pest Control, Pest Control, rats, rodents
Rodents and the Health Risk They Cause Rodents constantly grow incisors and do not have canines teeth. Rats, mice, squirrels, porcupines, or hamsters are all considered rodents. They gnaw at everything and they are the largest order of mammals in the world. They are...
by Pest Control Nashville | Sep 13, 2016 | DIY Pest Control, do it yourself pest control, Fall Pest Prevention, Fall Pests, Inside pests, Mice, Mouse, Murfreesboro Pest Control, Nashville Pest Control, nocturnal pests, occasional indoor invaders, rats
Pest Prevention Tips for Fall There are 3 pest prevention tips for Fall that are very important to keep your home pest free. Because the weather is getting colder, bugs and critters want to avoid the changing weather too. Most of all, to continue blocking unwanted...
by BugFighter | Dec 1, 2015 | Bug Facts, Bugs aren't all bad, DIY Pest Control, do it yourself pest control, house flies, Lady bugs, Mice, occasional indoor invaders, outdoor space, rats, Snakes
When Santa makes His List, What Bugs Are On Santa’s Good List? It’s the time of year when the cold weather makes many pests go into hibernation. You forget about the sting of the yellow jacket or irritation of flies or ants. But, all year long there are...
by BugFighter | Oct 13, 2015 | Bed Bugs, DIY Pest Control, Mouse, rats, Spiders, Winter Pests
Winter will soon be here, and there are plenty of winter pests you’ll want to keep out of your house. From mice to bedbugs to spiders, these pests can invade your home if you’re not careful. If you want to keep them away, here are some great tips for keeping winter...
by BugFighter | Aug 29, 2015 | Brown Recluse, Cockroches, German Cockroaches, home inspection, Insects, Inside pests, Mice, rats, Spiders
When You’ve Done All You Can Do, When Do You Call a Pest Control Company? Everyone has those unwanted pests such as ants, cockroaches, brown recluse and other spiders, mosquitos, and rats that get into their food and living environment. They’re so annoying and...
by BugFighter | Mar 7, 2015 | Bed Bug, bed bug infestation, bed bug inspection, Bed Bugs, Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Bug Facts, cockroaches, German Cockroaches, hotel bugs, house fly, Insects, Inside pests, Mice, Mouse, Night Time Bugs, nocturnal pests, occasional indoor invaders, rats, Spiders
What Are The 5 Most Common Winter Pests? Ants, bed bugs, birds, cockroaches, flies, rodents, spiders, termites….is your skin crawling yet? But rest assured, in the winter, some of those pests magically disappear into the great wilderness of not-in-my-house. However,...