10 Impressive Facts About Bugs

A reader that looks at our blog and the news that we post on Facebook might be getting really nervous about insects. Bugs are not all bad! However, people should be wary of certain pests coming into their homes and pests in general bothering them. Although, there are...

Bug of the month: Wasps

August is now upon us and with it comes more bothersome pests. Wasps are one of those pests that love to sting people during the summer. While wasps are found during the entirety of summer, they do sting people more during late summer. Wasps: A few of the most common...

Bug of the month: June Bug

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the bug of the month for June would be the June bug, which can also be referred to as the June beetle or the green June beetle. Where can the June bug be found? The June bug is most abundant in the eastern portion of the United...