The most common household ants are Argentine Ants. The ants can live in colonies of tens of thousands plus dozens of queen bees. They are rarely found as singular colonies but as miles of intermingled like super colonies. Nests are typically outside in moist locations under boards, rocks, refuse piles, sidewalks or slabs, mulch, or sometimes in tree holes, bird nests, beehives, meat, seeds, and other insects. Outside they survive on sweet plant secretions and aphids and mealybugs to feed on honeydew. Once inside the warmth of a home the ants thrive on sugar, jelly, cookies, candy, soft drink spills, and other sweets. Ants are able to squeeze into such a small area that they can get into a refrigerator.

Initial treatment for getting rid of ants can be as easy as cleaning up after cooking. Making sure that all sweets are covered and put away. Perimeter treatment is the next step. The perimeter in this instance is both on the interior and exterior during an infestation. Normally, a perimeter is a specified distance from the outside of the house outward. Cleanliness of food areas is a huge factor in keeping the ants gone.

Unfortunately, ants have no natural predators in the United States. Let your pest control company help keep ants outside your home rather than bothering you inside. At Absolute Pest Control, we can remove the ant problem from inside your home and keep the pests from returning.

Ant Problems

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