How Fast Do Mice Multiply?

We get asked this question “How fast do mice multiply” quite often in our pest control business. The answer can show how quickly an infestation can overcome a home or office. Mice carry disease and can do extensive damage in a short amount of time.

Female Mice Information

Mice infestation services

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

A common female house mouse can get pregnant as early as 4 weeks old. Most female mice begin ovulating at 6 to 8 weeks.

Once impregnated, the gestation period is only 3 weeks (or less). The litter usually is 5 to 7 pups. In some instances, that number can be as high as 14 pups.

This is How Fast Do Mice Multiply

The average house mouse lives 1 year on the wild and up to 2 years in a domicile. If they are breeding all year long, the number of mice born can be easily be 60 pups per year. Add to that the new pups breeding at 6 weeks. It is easy to see how an infestation would happen unless dealt with early on.

Other Facts

The mother mouse tries very hard to make sure her littler lives. She will decide if there are less hearty pups and not feed them. She may even eat those unlucky pups. The nutrition helps her care for her surviving litter or for a new pregnancy.

Fathers are in the picture for a litter of pups. But in an unusual way. They want their genes to be passed down. If they suspect one or more of the pups are not theirs, the father will kill the pup(s).

What To Do

If you see or suspect a mouse in your home or office, call Absolute Pest Control right away. We can quickly determine the best course to rid you of your mouse problem. You can call us at 615-220-1933 or click HERE to email us.


You can learn more about mice HERE!